包车自由行 观光/商务/机场接送 Your driver is your guide. Knowledgeable & reliable driver-guides make your trip run smoothly.

TPE05 Kids Taipei

Things to do with kids in Taipei.

Vehicle: Mercedes Benz V class 9 seater or similar

Driver-guide: Well-educated driver with 15-Year Practical Experience, check here

Price: see baocher.com/price

Choose some attractions from below and chat with your driver-guide. Your driver-guide is also the instructor of this lecture.

09:00 Pickup from hotel, to these places below

Family restaurants亲子餐厅

Shen ao rail bike深澳铁道自行车

Intertidal Zone Observations潮间带观察

Taipei Zoo台北动物园

Maokong Gondola猫空缆车

Juming Art Museum朱铭雕塑美术馆

Shrimp fishing钓虾场

Lin An Tai Historical House & Museum林安泰古厝

Taipei Children’s Amusement Park儿童乐园

Science Education Center科学教育馆

Taipei Astronomical Museum天文科学教育馆

Cake & Pastry DIY郭元益糕点博物馆

Tourism Factory观光工厂

QingTianGang Yangmingshan阳明山擎天岗草原

Flowers & fruits picking摘花采果

Grand Hotel Taipei圆山大饭店

Bali Ferry Wharf八里渡船头

Taipei 101 Observatory台北101大楼观景台

Taipei Fine Art Musume台北美术馆

Huashan Culture Park华山文创园区

Song Shan Culture Park松山文创园区

Kun’s crystal吹玻璃

National Taiwan Museum恐龙博物馆、铁道博物馆

Evergreen Maritime Museum长荣海事博物馆

18:00 Arrive to hotel or drop-off at Ximemding 西门町

Find your accommodation in Ximending, Taipei City

Night activities
Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Mall新光三越
Shilin Night Market士林夜市

How to book: via whatsapp or see baocher.com/booking

Shen ao rail bike
Taipei Zoo
Shuttle in the Taipei Zoo
Family restsurant in the Taipei Zoo
Take the cable car to Taipei Zoo
Juming museum
Taipei Children’s Amusement Park
Taipei Children’s Amusement Park
Taipei Astronomical Museum
Intertidal Zone Observations
Hiking trail
Play on the beach
Playing on the sandpit
Ezperience the instruments at Science Education Center
Wet Market Simulation
Strawberry picking, Neihu, from November to April
Colla lily piching, Yangmingshan, from February to April
Have a fun time in a normal playground
Donguri Republic
Eslite Kids Bookstore
Find a family restaurant in a culture park
Activities in Ximenting
Dinosaur Mesume
Dinosaur Mesume
Things to do with kids